​​Cultivating well being through a more mindful community

Aaron Weiner presented at the Nebraska Mediation Association's Annual Meeting on April 12. Wisdom House will make available copies of the book, "Managing Conflict Mindfully" at our camp. The book incorporates Mindfulness and Internal Family Systems with traditional mediation techniques. Continuing Legal Education Credits are expected. 

"If you want to understand your mind, sit down and observe it.”
Cultivating concentration, kindness and insight can lead to profound inner healing, transformation and growth.

A Mindful

Mindfulness Community Collaboration Camp
June 26-29, 2023 @ Carol Joy Holling Swanson Retreat Center

Photos from our camp last June 2022

Year Long Mindful Schools Participants from left to right:
Melody Mehser, Katarina Gleisberg, David Ahlquist, Katie Hupp, Katie Tessin, Susie Hiley, Josie McDonnell

“The awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment.” - Jon Kabat Zinn

This 10 minute introductory video is provided by the University of Massachusetts Center For Mindfulness, the founding institution for Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.

Bad News & Good News
We received the sad news that Mindful Schools has gone out of business and gave its course certificate holders until June 1 to download content. The good news is that we have downloaded the content, including videos, of five of the courses. We are very proud that we helped more than 350 educators, including 10 "Year Long" leaders, be licensed to teach Mindful Schools curriculum.  We will gather during the Mindful Community Collaboration Camp on Wednesday, July 31 from 7-8:30pm to discuss how this resource can be best preserved and utilized.

Mindful schooLs Update

Mediation & Mindfulness

​​The Wisdom House is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting and growing the mindfulness community. People of all ages and from all walks of life find clarity, wisdom and contentment from the practices of mindfulness. Today we know more than ever about the science behind these practices and their positive effect on emotional well-being, ​health, relationships, and life choices. With confidence that mindfulness can serve our community in uniquely profound ways, Wisdom House supports and funds mindfulness programs and teachers to cultivate a thriving and expanding mindfulness community.

Introduction to Mindfulness

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Mindfulness Community Collaboration Camp

July 29-August 2, 2024 @ Carol Joy Holling Swanson Retreat Center

Search Inside Yourself - Monday & Tuesday (July 29 & 30)

This program was originally designed by Google for its leadership teams.

The two day program guides participants through hands-on practices
demonstrating that: cultivating Self Awareness, will lead to Emotional Regulation, will lead to better communication, that ultimately leads to better relationships and Psychological Safety. 
                                      Register Here                     
Download the Search Inside Yourself Brochure

Download the Search Inside Yourself Invitation

Mindfulness Camp - Wednesday- Friday (July 31- August 2)
A chance for our mindfulness community to come together for shared
learning and practice. Camp offerings include Youth Engagement, Mindfulness & Emotion Science, Structure & Cooperation in the Classroom, Internal Family Systems, Wellness & Burnout, Nature Healing, Breathwork, Trauma & Relaxation, Self Compassion, Loving Kindness Practice, First Aid Certification and a daylong continuous mindfulness retreat "Practicing Silence in Support of Non-violence."  There will also be sound baths, mindful movement practices, Mahoney Tower sit, community planning, campfires and book sharing (bring books and/or take books.)
Download our Camp Activity Offerings Calendar

Download the Camp Invitation 

Register Here

Youth Engagement, Emotion Science
& Mindfulness academy

We are launching a career track training and support academy. Student interns and residents will participate in live academy class, remote Mindful Schools classes, on the job training in our school programs and will help organize and lead our summer camp.

Sponsor our students

Our interns at Benson and our students at Monroe have designed "Uncage Your Heart and Mind" T-shirts and would love to also have curriculum books. Your gift of $35 would make that possible.

Mindfulness Book Sharing!

Take a book, bring a book, either or both

These mindfulness books will be shelved for sharing at
Astute Coffee
Omaha’s Social Enterprise Coffeehouse
Astute Coffee is dedicated to providing workforce and personal development to youth aging out of foster care and to strengthening our community as a whole. Let’s achieve positive social change together, one coffee cup at a time. 
1818 Dodge Street
Omaha, NE 68102